- class param.Parameterized(*, name)[source]#
Base class for named objects that support Parameters and message formatting.
Automatic object naming: Every Parameterized instance has a name parameter. If the user doesn’t designate a name=<str> argument when constructing the object, the object will be given a name consisting of its class name followed by a unique 5-digit number.
Automatic parameter setting: The Parameterized __init__ method will automatically read the list of keyword parameters. If any keyword matches the name of a Parameter (see Parameter class) defined in the object’s class or any of its superclasses, that parameter in the instance will get the value given as a keyword argument. For example:
- class Foo(Parameterized):
xx = Parameter(default=1)
foo = Foo(xx=20)
in this case foo.xx gets the value 20.
When initializing a Parameterized instance (‘foo’ in the example above), the values of parameters can be supplied as keyword arguments to the constructor (using parametername=parametervalue); these values will override the class default values for this one instance.
If no ‘name’ parameter is supplied, defaults to the object’s class name with a unique number appended to it.
Message formatting: Each Parameterized instance has several methods for optionally printing output. This functionality is based on the standard Python ‘logging’ module; using the methods provided here, wraps calls to the ‘logging’ module’s root logger and prepends each message with information about the instance from which the call was made. For more information on how to set the global logging level and change the default message prefix, see documentation for the ‘logging’ module.